Buddi - Personal budget software for the rest of us

This is the software that recommend for most of my friends who had come to me to ask for a good software to mange their money.

if you are one such taking the first step into understanding your personal finance you can save yourself of the trouble of going through tons of software options for that. This is the best i have seen when it comes to starters.

Good Points:
- You can run it in any environment. windows,Linux, Mac whichever is your favorite.
- You can even run it off a USB stick. portable that you can have it anywhere you need it.
- Has great intuitive way of capturing your date, which is how much m
oney you have been spending in what from where.
- Has great Graphs to show you all the information in a way its easy to understand.
- Has a wonderful way to budget and track the budget.

Best of all it is FREE. though you are open to donate to its creator.
Truly worth it. find it at : http://buddi.thecave.homeunix.org/en/

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